Wednesday 10 September 2014

Your Shadow

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Looking at photos of me as a baby, seeing photos of you mixed in. Just your shadow remains. The spectre of who you were, of what we did together, of what we could have done. 

But even that is fading now, I really know so little about you. My connections to you are slipping away, like the sun sliding behind the hills. One day will I find my self not remembering you? One day will even your shadow be gone? For now I will keep shining the flood lights on your life and throwing your shadow across mine.

Will my life cast a shadow as far reaching as yours?

Just a quick one today while I'm exploring London. Thanks for these awesome prompts Leah!


  1. Wow Alison. This was fantastic.

  2. Gorgeous, my friend. You almost made me cry!

  3. It all kind of tied in with me going through some old photos recently. Thanks for the love ladies.


Penny for your thoughts

PS Thanks for taking the time to stop by